Ellora Manpower Recruitment Agency

Ellora Manpower Recruitment Agency

About Ellora Manpower

Ellora Manpower is a recruitment agency in Qatar. They offer a hands-on quality service that allows us to source and work with candidates from a wide range of countries.

Ellora Manpower Services


Ellora Manpower provides recruiting services for the following trades and industries.

  • Information Technology
  • Human Resource
  • Engineering
  • Oil & Gas
  • Construction
  • Medical
  • HVAC
  • Hospitality


Ellora Manpower covers these regions

  • Doha.
  • Abu az Zuluf.
  • Abu Thaylah.
  • Ad Dawhah al Jadidah.
  • Al `Arish.
  • Al Bida` ash Sharqiyah.
  • Al Rayyan
  • Asia
  • Africa

Contact Ellora Manpower

Office Phone 1+974 3014 2378
AddressMuaither 280, Doha, Qatar
Ellora Manpower Review
  • Professionalism - 5.2/10
  • Responsiveness - 5.1/10
  • Expertise - 4.7/10

Ellora Manpower Review

Ellora Manpower is a recruitment agency in Qatar. They offer a hands-on quality service that allows us to source and work with candidates from a wide range of countries.

Offered Services:

  • Recruitment Service

Ellora Manpower Recruitment Agency

One of the Fraud Agencies Operated by Prabhakar. he has cheated me 5 lakhs, If we ask he says his partner is in Qatar police, So do whatever you need. Many peoples lost money to him.I am one of the Victim.
He blongs to tamilnadu and says his father is communist Ex M L A and makes himself as genuine character.
Ellora Manpower Agencies is Fraud
Fals location and so bad service don't go to this location
No answer
The worst office in Qatar has a manager named Latifa and Umm Maryam
The office has very bad dealings. Whoever takes the money does not return calls, procrastinates when the maid arrives, and leaves out a photo of the ticket so you can be patient. The last thing the maid tells you is that the plane has flown off, and a second time he says he has booked for her, and leaves a second photo so that you can be patient again and she does not arrive, and he says that the plane has flown away, and another time the office says in the maid’s country that he does not respond. They have no excuses
We remained in this situation for 3 months until we complained about them to the Ministry of Labor with Ibrahim Al-Maadeed so that they could investigate them.
Many complaints fill the office. And God willing, they will preserve him
The dealing style is insulting
Very, very bad management with honors
After receiving the amount, failure to respond to all means of communication is deliberate negligence

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